Monday, 24 March 2014

Where have I been: heart failure, stress, sadness and my new job!


So, I haven't been around for a while. Over the last 3 months my life has changed massively and, if I'm completely honest, I'm struggling to cope.

In January, my mum had her first heart attack. She was in hospital for about 2 weeks and missed my 16th birthday. She had another heart attack at the start of this month (March) and was in hospital for about a week. Before she got sent home, she was diagnosed. She has chronic heart failure. The muscle in her heart is  extremely damaged from the first heart attack and there is nothing they can do for it. 

This is one of the main 'reasons' why I'm stressed and sad. I wouldn't say I'm depressed, I'm just... really sad. I have my GCSE's in 2 months and have barely started revision which is adding to my stress. My stress has caused me to lose 10 pounds in the last month and I have also missed my period for the last 2 months. Was that too much information?

On a brighter note, I now have a Saturday job. It is at a small cafe in my town and, so far, I really enjoy it.

I know this post was short and un-happy but I just wanted to update you all.
What's new in your life?

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