Tuesday 23 July 2013

My Life In Letters: Part 1!

As you can probably tell from my recent blog posts my life has been pretty busy recently (you can read about the chaos that is my life here). Also from my recent blog posts, you can probably tell that I have kind of gone of make-up recently. Now, don't get me wrong it is not that I don't love it anymore, it's just that I don't have time for it right now. 
As I have lost my spark for make-up, I am going to do another 'lifestyle' post today. As this is my 'My Life In Letters' post, I am basically going to go through the alphabet and name some thing that is in my life/important to me that starts with that letter. So, lets get crack-a-lacking.

My Life In Letters!

A- America.
One of my biggest life goals/dreams is to move and live in the USA. 

B- Blue.
Tiffany Blue is my favourite colour.

C- Coffee.
One of my biggest dislikes is coffee.

D- Dancing
I love to dance.

E- England.
I was born and raised in England. I have lived in the same town in the north-west of England my whole life.

F- Feet.
I believe everyone had that one body part that freaks them out and, for me, that body part is feet.

G- Grease.
This was the first musical I ever watched. It is and always will be one of my favourite movies of all time.

H- Helvellyn.
In my school we have 'house' systems. Kinda like in Harry Potter with Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, except ours are not as cool as theirs and each house is named after a famous mountain in the Lake District. I am in Helvellyn which basically just means I wear a blue stripped tie and support Helvellyn teams in events and competition.

I- Insects.
I refuse to put a picture for this one because just looking at a picture of them makes me cringe. Basically, I really really dislike insects.

J- Jessica.
Although I refer to myself as Jess, my actual name is Jessica. Jessica is a Hebrew name and means 'God Beholds'. A fun fact for you here: my mum was going to call me Alice but decided not to after being told that, in our family, the name Alice is cursed with bad luck.

K- Kors, Michael Kors.
Something that has been on my 'wish list' for a while now is a Rose Gold Watch from Michael Kors. One day, I will own one.

L- Lip Products.
Lip products are, by far, my favourite make-up item. Just under half of my make-up collection is lip products and, although I have loads of them, if I buy a make-up item, I tend to buy a lip product.

M- Music.
I am a music person. Music is a big part of my life and it speaks to me. Over the years, I have had lessons to learn loads of different instruments and have been in a few of musicals. If I am not listening to music, I am singing.

I have split this up into 2 parts as it is a pretty long post all together. I will put part 2 up in the near (ish) future so keep your eyes peeled for that.

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