Thursday 14 March 2013

My Top 7 Pet Peeves/The Top 7 Things That Annoy Me!

Recently I have been noticing a lot of things that really annoy me. As I have a lot of 'pet peeves', I thought I would make a list of my top 7. These 7 things are in no particular order. 
With that said, lets get crack-a-lacking.

My Top 7 Pet Peeves!

1. People who bottle neck drinks that have been bought for more than just them. 
My older brother does this all the time and I hate it. If we have been shopping for food and drink for the family, why do you think its okay to drink straight out of the bottle when other people have to drink out of it too? I really don't understand why it is so hard to use a cup these days.

2. People who don't clean up after themselves.
Don't get me wrong I understand that sometimes you are in a rush and don't have time to clean up, that is fine  but I can't stand people who use the bathroom or the kitchen and don't clean up after themselves. Is it really that hard to rinse out the shower and pick up the shampoos bottles after you use them? Is it really that hard to put the butter back in the fridge and the jam back in the cupboard after you have made your sandwich? I mean, come on people.

3. People who take your things without asking.
This makes me so mad. I will be sitting in a classroom, minding my own business, getting on with my work when all of a sudden some rude person takes my pencil case, finds a pen and takes it without even asking me. Would it have killed you to say 'please can I borrow a pen'? No, I don't think so.

4. People who cough and don't put their hands over their mouth.
I think this is horrible. I understand that sometimes people get sick, I even understand that sometimes people have to come in to work and school when they are sick but I don't understand why people can't cover their mouths when they are coughing. The fact that you have a cold should not stop your arm movement or your hygiene standards. Cover your mouth and then you won't spread germs because, seriously girl, I don't want your germs.

5. Movies/programs that are really loud when there is music playing or explosions but really quite when the characters are speaking.
This is so annoying. Your watching something and you can't hear what they are saying so you turn it up. Then, out of no where, music begins to play and its so loud it nearly deafens you. I am sure what I am watching would be really good, if I could hear it.

6. People who pick at everything you say.
The other day I was walking home with a friend and she needed the bathroom but had a lot further to walk then me. When we got near my house I said 'Would you like to use on my bathroom'. I obviously had said this by accident and she obviously knew what I meant yet she still felt the need to correct me. There is now need for it.

7. People who stand in the middle of the corridor at school.
There are 2500 students in my school. That means 2500 people who want to move around the school to get to their lessons. So, if you don't mind me asking, why are you just standing in the middle of the corridor? Move into the side, use your brain for once. Gosh!

What are your pet peeves?

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