Wednesday 20 March 2013

Inspiring/Motivational 'Fitness/ Weight Loss' Quotes!

I have recently been getting back in to 'working out/losing weight' (by working out/losing weight I mean jogging for 3 minutes and then collapsing because I am out of breath and ready to puke). I have been going to an 'Aqua Fit' class on a Monday since October and I really enjoy it. I have also recently started going running with my friend. On top of this I walk pretty much everywhere and I do 2 hours of gym a week at school. So, all in all, I would say I was a 'semi' fit person (I am totally overestimating my physical ability here). 
I thought it would be nice to share some motivational 'fitness/weight loss' quotes for everyone who wants (key word here being 'wants') to get fit/lose weight but has no motivation. 
Just as a quick note: I understand this post might not be to everyone's taste. I am not telling you to start working out/take up running/do exercise/lose weight/get 'fit'. This post is aimed at people who want to start working out/take up running/do exercise/lose weight/get 'fit' but have no motivation/inspiration for it.

Inspiring/Motivational 'Fitness/Weight Loss' Quotes:

This is probably my favourite.

This ones for all the beauty obsessed people like me out there.

What inspires/motivates you?

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