Monday 18 February 2013

My Top 3 Must-Have Hair Products!


I was looking through all the posts I have on this blog and I realised something. I don't posted very regularly. To some people this might not be a problem but to me it is. I like schedules and order so I am going to try something.  I am going to try and post twice a week (Wednesday (ish) and Sunday (ish)). I am going to try and do this for 1 month and, at the end of the month, I am going to review my progress and make improvements. Look at me being all organised and serious, impressive right?

Anyway, this post is going to be about 'My Top 3 Must-Have Hair Products'. Recently I have really got into hair care and I have found some products which I use all the time. These products get a lot of loving from me so I thought it was only right to talk about them and share them in a blog post.

My Top 3 Must-Have Hair Products:

1. Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance Leave-In Conditioner.

I hate using conditioners. I need to use them but I hate using them. My hair is oily and conditioners just make it worse. I have also always had a problem with my hair being dry. Now your probably thinking 'Jess, how can you have dry AND oily hair at the same time?', well my lovely's I will tell you. The roots of my hair are very oily. They get dirty and oily very easily and I hate it. The ends of my hair however are extremely dry. I cut my dead ends regularly but the end of my hair is still very dry. This makes it a problem when buying conditioners. I need something light enough to not make my roots oilier but moisturising enough to make my ends stop being as dry. This is where this amazing product comes in. It is light because it does not get washed out therefore has to be light because it sits in your hair until you next wash it. It is also amazingly moisturising. I spritz it all the way through my towel dried hair and it works a treat. It makes my hair soft and moisturised while not leaving it oily or heavy. I highly recommend this product to everyone and I love it to bits.


Name that movie anyone?

I know. Hairspray is a staple product but I just love the stuff. I don't have a specific brand or type of hairspray that I love, I just love hairspray in general. My hair goes 'staticy' a lot and I find it very hard to control but hairspray keeps it a bit more.... errr whats the word? Rained in? Basically it stops it going 'staticy' and keeps it in place. I can't leave the house without spraying in bit of hairspray and I don't think you should be able to either.

3. Dry Shampoo.

I love dry shampoo. As I have said before the roots of my hair get very oily and dry shampoo basically saves my hair on so many occasions. I used to love 'Batiste' dry shampoos but then I discovered 'Pro:Voke Touch Of Silver Silver Revitalising Dry Shampoo'. The 'Touch Of Silver' line is meant to be for 'white or platinum blonde hair' and I don't have either of those but it works really well for me. When I used 'Batiste' dry shampoos, I got white marks in my hair (even though I have blonde hair) but, with this dry shampoo, I get no white marks and it keeps my hair looking matte for longer.

I hope you enjoyed this post and are excited for the new posting routine. If you liked this post please take a moment to follow this blog and I will speak to you all Sunday.

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