Saturday 20 October 2012

My One Chocolate A Day Rule

Hey, so today I thought I would do a 'Lifestyle' post. As Halloween and Christmas are quickly approaching, I thought I would share a little rule I have made up for myself. It's called the 'One Chocolate A Day Rule'.

Over Halloween and Christmas I eat a lot of chocolate. They come out with Halloween and Christmas chocolate and something in me just can't seem to say no. Is it just me that has this? I am not exactly size 6 to begin with and Christmas and Halloween don't help that. I won't lie, I end up eating to much and putting on weight and then never getting rid of it for summer. Every Christmas I seem to be bigger than I was the year before. It has to stop but there is a problem. I don't want to put on to much weight but I still want to eat what everyone else is eating over Halloween and Christmas and enjoy myself. So I came up with the 'One Chocolate A Day Rule'. 

It is pretty simple really. I am only allowed to eat one chocolate product a day. Simple really but there are conditions. It is all to do with the size of the chocolate product. Here is what I mean:
            -1 Chocolate bar = 1 chocolate product.
            -1 slice of chocolate cake = 1 chocolate product.
            -1 chocolate biscuit = 1/2 of a chocolate product.
            -1 chocolate out of a box of chocolates = 1/3 of a chocolate product.
            -1 advent calender chocolate = 0 chocolate product. 

See what I mean? If its small (for example a advent calender chocolate), it does not count as a chocolate product. If its something a bit bigger (for example a chocolate out of a box of chocolates), it is 1/3 of a chocolate product. A bit bigger (for example a chocolate biscuit), it is 1/2 of a chocolate product. A full sized chocolate bar or decent sized slice of chocolate cake is 1 chocolate product.

This is a good rule for me because sometimes I will eat more than 1 or 2 chocolate products. This will hopefully make me think more about what I am eating and what I have ate that day. You can do this kind of rule with anything: cake, sweets, crisps, anything really. 

I hope this tip will help you over the next couple of months. I am sorry this post is only short. I am going to start uploading more regularly. I am thinking a 'Lifestyle' post every weekend, a beauty/fashion post on a Tuesday and a beauty/fashion post on a Thursday. What do you think? Let me know in the comments. Please follow this blog. I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it and I will talk to you soon.

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