Tuesday 6 November 2012

Top 10 Things Every Girl Should Have In Their Handbag/School Bag!

Hey, first of all I want to say sorry for not posting for the last week. I don't really have a reason why I didn't post anything, I guess I just never got round to it. So today I am going to do a post on the 'Top 10 Things Every Girl Should Have In Their Handbag/School Bag'.

I was inspired to do this post today after lots of people kept coming up to me asking me for various things. I am seriously fed up of people (always girls, always the same girls) coming up to me asking me for things because they have not got them. I don't understand how you can leave the house without the basic essentials. If your prone to headaches, bring pain killers. If you have a cold, bring tissues. If you have P.E that day, bring deodorant and perfume. How hard is it?

The first thing I think you should ALWAYS have in your bag are pain killers. Paracetamol or ibuprofen, whichever you prefer. I know you can't always predict when you are going to get headaches and things so you should have them in your bag at ALL times. Better to be safe than sorry.

The next thing is something to make your breath smell and taste fresh. In my school, we are not allowed chewing gum but that does not mean we can't freshen up our breath after we eat. Simple pop some mints in your bag and you will be good to go. I also carry breath freshening spray with me. Pick one and have it on you for those days when your breath is not at its best.

Also you should carry tissues. Tissues are amazing for all sorts not just runny noses. You can use them to clean up spills, wipe away dirt and dry things with. Always have tissues with you. They are a real life saver. Trust me.

Germs. They are everywhere. Every door, seat and railing you touch is covered in germs. Some good, some bad. Hand sanitiser is brilliant. It cleans your hands before you eat, after you have been to the bathroom and everywhere in between. Carry it with you everywhere you go. This is a basic essential.

A pad and pen. You never know when your going to meet a cute guy and your going to need to jot his details down. You might need to jot down a bit of homework or write a to-do-list so you don't forget what you need to do that day. You might need to write a shopping list or meet up with a friend at a specific place. A pad and pen come in handy when you least expect it. Make sure your prepared for that moment.

Everyone hates a shiny, oily face. Its horrible having a oily face and having nothing to take away the oil with. Do you want to go round looking like you are sweating like mad? I don't think so. Carry blotting papers and this will never be a problem.

Mascara. It can brighten up your face even on the days when you look and feel like crap. A coat of mascara can do wonders for your mood. Personally, make-up gives me confidence and nothing says confidence like thick, long eyelashes. Smile, your wearing mascara.

Keeping your lips soft and smooth is so important. How are you meant to kiss that cute boy you have had your eye on if your lips are not soft and smooth? Exactly, you can't. Keep some lip balm in your bag and you will always be ready to kiss those cute boys. 

No one likes a girl that smells bad. No one likes to smell bad. Make sure your not the one stinking by carrying deodorant in your bag. Smell great, feel great.

Lastly, perfume. It can give you the confidence to stand tall and go after what you want (by that I mean go after the cute boys you want). You can get so many compliments from wearing a nice perfume. Compliments make people smile. SMILE!

So, that's it for my 'Top 10 Things Every Girl Should Have In Their Handbag/School Bag' post. If you enjoyed reading this post please follow this blog. I hope you enjoyed this post and I will speak to you soon.

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