Tuesday 3 December 2013

Christmas 2013: Being Grateful For The Things You Take For Granted!

I, like many people these days, have 'Facebook'. To me (and my best friend, V) it is a source of our daily entertainment. People's statuses are funny (in an ironic and pathetic kind of way) and the jokes we can make from them are funnier but, sometimes, 'Facebook' shows us that people can be ungrateful and, sometimes, cruel.

We have all witnessed our fair share of internet wars/fights. They provide amazing entertainment and give us a nice chunk of gossip to discus with friends. I'm a gossiper and these fights (especially the ones between the girls at school) give me at least 30 minutes worth of gossip to talk about with V. I know it's a bad habit but we all do it, I'm just honest about it. People tend to be crueler online than face to face, which makes the fights funnier but also extremely harsh and horrible. Some of the things people say to each other are unnecessary and, however hippy and cliche this sounds, people need to learn respect for each other and learn that if you dislike someone you should just avoid them. This has nothing to do with what I want to talk about today, but I felt the need to say it. You're welcome (people who watch 'Awkward' will get that reference).

 Anyway, back to the topic of today's post. I was scrolling through 'Facebook' and I came across a status by someone who is nice and respectful. The status shocked me, not because of who wrote it, but because of what it said. ''FUMING! The coat I want for Christmas is out of stock because my parents didn't buy it when I asked like 2 weeks ago''. Now I get it, we have all really wanted something and not been able to have it, we have also all had times when we have been annoyed at our parents, but most people don't write a status about it. Mostly because it is just a fucking object (in this case a coat) but also because your parents deserve more respect than that and you should be more grateful. Yes, the coat you want is out of stock but it will come back in stock in the 3 weeks there is until Christmas. To some people, the thought of even having 1 present at Christmas, even if it is just a pair of socks, is exciting and makes them happy. To others, the thought of fresh water, a hot meal, a bed and a shower makes them jump for joy. People loose sight of how lucky they are sometimes. I'm not saying you don't have the right to complain because you do. I understand that their are people worse off then me but I believe that I have the right to complain about my problems. If you want to go on 'Facebook' and complain that's fine, but just think about what you are writing. Some people are not getting anything for Christmas this year, others won't even get a hot meal that day, some don't have parents to celebrate with this year and others have no one at all. This Christmas, while your tucking into your Christmas dinner or opening your expensive and thoughtful gifts, spare a thought for those who are less fortunate than you. 

Not because you should, but because they have no one else thinking about them on Christmas day.

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