Wednesday 23 January 2013

Jess's Jabbers- 15th Birthday!

So today is my 15th birthday. Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday To Me!
All in all I had a good day. I was spoilt by both my friends and my family, I am very thankful for this. I got up early, opened presents, ate chocolate and messed around with my presents. Then I went to school and was spoilt with yet more presents and spent a lovely day with 'the girls'. And then, tonight, I went out for a lovely meal with my close family and friends. I am now sat here, with my PJ's on and my hair washed, and I am reflecting on the day.
Towards the end of the night I became what some people might call 'depressed'. I was not depressed at all. After long, exciting days I tend to become very sleepy very suddenly. And, as I am naturally energetic and full-of-life, people tend to mistake this as 'depression'. I am not feeling as sleepy now but I do plan on having an early night.
The plan for the rest of the night looks like this: watch PLL (Pretty Little Liars) and then sleep. Not the most exciting plan but one I am most definitely looking forward to.
But, as my dad says, my birthday is not over yet. On Saturday I am going on a birthday shopping trip with my family and one of my best friends, Lucy. I am really looking forward to it and have started coming up with a list of what I want to buy in my head.
As for blog posts, I do plan on doing a 'What I Got For My 15th Birthday' post and maybe a 'Birthday Haul'  to show you the things I got on my birthday shopping trip, we will just have to wait and see.

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